Missions we Support

Rev. Gary & Sharon Goodrow
Personal Information
Gary: January 19
Sharon: May 20
Anniversary: May 26
Personal Website:
(local site):
Personal e-mail:
Mission Organization Information
Awana Clubs International
Website: www.awana.org
Mission Address:
1 East Bode Road, Streamwood, IL 60107-6658
How You Can Pray for Us:
- For additional churches and individuals to support us monthly (we’re faith-based).
- For safe travel (drive more than 2500 miles/month) – especially during winter; and “deer season” …
- For our 4 daughters and families – including 3 grandsons.
- (Praise: Our 5-yr. old grandson accepted Jesus as Savior this month!).
- For daughter, Susan, during her difficult ‘Junior year’ in nursing college.
- For our area events: Bible Quizzing, AwanaGames, and national events – that God would have churches register and send kids to these events, and for the preaching of His Word.
- For pastor and church visits; for Awana club visits – and for the salvation of clubbers!
- For good health – as our schedule is overwhelmingly busy (including weekends) till mid- April.