Missions we Support

How You Can Pray for Us:
1. For the clients – that their faith would grow and that they would feel and experience the love and safety and peace of Jesus
2. For the board members – that they would continue to keep their eyes on Jesus and listen to the direction of the Holy Spirit
3. For the community – that they would be blessed as they bless this ministry and that their kindness and love for our residents would continue
How You Can PRAISE GOD for us:
1. For the clients – praise for the growth and strength and protection they receive while under our roof
– praise that they almost all find jobs within 2 weeks
2. For the board – praise for the unity and dedication of our board members
3. For the community – for their unending love and support with prayer, financial, and supplies!!
Peaceful Knights
(Transitional housing and emergency shelter)
Aggie Schoenberger
Personal Information
Birthday: March 5
Address: 185 Penn Dr., Lehighton, PA 18235
Personal Website: (local site): www.callag.com
Personal e-mail: callag@ptd.net
Mission Organization Information
Purpose/Calling: To share the hope and healing of the gospel to homeless in Carbon County
Website: www.peacefulknights.org
Mission Address: 215 N. 1st St, Lehighton, PA 18235